The following browsers are supported:
Internet Explorer 7 and 8
Mozilla Firefox 3.0 to 3.6
Safari - [version info to come]

If you encounter difficulty with viewing items in this web-based product, you may first want to try using a different browser.

I. Home Page

  • Search by typing in one or more keywords.
  • Browse by selecting from the list provided.
  • Quick Links take you directly to a collection of items in the catalog or to a specific feature.
  • Welcome displays welcome message for the site.
  • Recommendations displays recommendations based off interest and previous courses.
  • My Enrollments lists all the learning items in which you have enrolled. Click any title for details.
  • Spotlight Recently uploaded content or most viewed content.

II. Catalog Page Features

  • Catalog displays 10 items per page, with an icon indicating the format (package of courses, course, test), a link for details (including an abstract, keywords, and a longer description), and length of the subscription. Click on the "launch" button to view any of the items in the catalog.
  • Refine search - click to search by keyword and title or by the content of the abstract and description. Use quotation marks around titles or phrases (e.g., "code of conduct").

III. My Learning Page Features

  1. My Enrollments tab lists each item in which you have enrolled. It shows a grade, if available, the time you have spent in the course, the status (in progress or completed), the start date of your subscription, and the date your subscription to the course expires.
    • View Details for each item shows the description and keywords.
    • Launch lets you begin the course. If you have already begun the course, you will have an option to go to the point you left off or start from the beginning.
    • Credit displays the continuing education credits received.
  2. My Transcript tab lists all the courses you have begun, based on most recent activity. Items may be sorted by column headings by clicking on that heading.the start date of your subscription, and the date your subscription to the course expires.
    • Launch link is provided for all active items. Items that are expired are listed but cannot be launched.
    • Grade is shown only for items that have a required pass/fail threshold.
    • Credit(s) displays credits earned for that course.
  3. Credits Tab lists the credit earned and the total amount of credits. Can sort by year credits were earned.
    • Add Activity Credit click to add an activity credit to your profile.

For content or program questions, contact Stacy Diliberto at

For technical support, contact